Monday, April 28, 2014

Curious Cat (Day 13)

They say curiosity killed the cat.  But, how and why? A few posts ago, I wrote about texture and how it correlates with touch, to me.  Curiosity is closely in line with that past post... It's about touching, feeling, asking, and looking further to know more!  I love being curious.  I enjoy exploring. I like to go deeper than just the surface of things.  I like to know if there is more to things than what we see.  Curiosity is such a beautiful thing.   Of the many traits I have, I think this is the one that has gotten me farthest in life.  It has allowed me to "test the waters" so to speak... It has provided me with the bravery to get more info than I have in front of me.

As it stands, what are the things that I am curious about?  It goes without say that I am curious to know when our lil being will come to us.... I am curious to see what life will be like with that being?  Will they have my wife's amazing hair and her deep, inviting eyes?  What traits will they inherit from the sperm donor?  And, while I may not have "full" genetics in the making of this being, in what ways will they resemble me???

Oh, jeez there are so many things that I am curious about far beyond our lil being... but I will spare everyone the long post on my crazy curiosity!  I invite everyone to dig a lil deeper.  Go beyond what you see and explore the depths!!!  As the saying fully goes...."Curiosity killed the cat; satisfaction brought him back".

This post is part of the April Moon reflective writing challenge. 


  1. Hey, I never knew that there was a "rest of the saying". But I love it!
    I'm with you: it's hard to imagine curiosity killing anything. Apathy and ignorance are much more deadly. x

    1. And, unfortunately, ignorance is ever-so-rampant these days and extremely deadly. Keep on being curious!

  2. I don't think I've ever heard the last part of that saying either.
