Tuesday, April 22, 2014

At a loss... (Day 7 & 8)

I'm at a complete loss. Jeez...Seriously! I felt like I was on a roll with the writing thing/reflection prompts, and now it's been so hard to write or even put a visual up about my last two prompts. I have looked the words up in the dictionary (I've actually had to do that with all the prompts); nothing.  I even Google'd the two words (separate and together) to see if any images inspired the writing; And, nothing.  Actually, I feel like my mind has been all over the place these past few months; but, is that not the case for me all the time? I can't focus (interestingly that was my last reflection). With baby making, professional journeys, parting of friends, working on married-life, family managing, and all the other ebbs and flows, there has been this constant go-go-go and jumbling of emotions. Anyhow...I'm gonna give it a go and see where I get.  

For Day 7 of April Moon 2014 we've been bequeathed with TEXTURE as our reflective word.  Texture by definition is the visual and physical characteristic of an object... that which adds definition. Texture makes me think of touching things.. feeling them.  I think of my hands... I think of art.. I think of how materials become alive through their texture.  I'm actually giggling a bit because all of my life I have LOVED to touch things.  Some part of it is for curiosity's sake, but mostly focused on really wanting to feel things.  I study it's curves, jagged edges, crevices, bold shapes and structures for art's sake.  There is a certain texture in all of that.  My dad seems to have the same fascination with touch and it's artistry.  He was worked in some form of carpentry/craftsmen trade all my life and I love seeing him in action.   He would paint a wall and like to feel the smoothness of the strokes... he hammers and is mesmerized by the structure if it has brought together... he walks into a room and can tell you what material most items are made of.  He's this artistic genius.  I feel I have become him... I inspect things to know what they are made of. I constantly say to myself "I'm my dad's daughter."  And, come to think of it, that's kinda neat. Texture is fascinating because if you close your eyes, in order to get to know something, many times we go straight for touch.  

And, Day 8.... WILD... untamed. That is a fun word, but how do I describe it.... I think of hair. I think of wilderness. I think of the Wild, Wild, West (where my heart is at times).  I think of "unabashed" and "unconventional" behavior.  I think of adventure.  I don't just think of on thing... So, I leave you with a single image for this one.  Perhaps, you can reflect on the "wild" in it?

Quvenzhane Wallis in the "Beasts of the Southern Wild"

To be part of the April Moon 2014 reflection circle or to just read what others are writing, visit Kat McNally's site by clicking the image below... Happy writing! 


  1. These have been difficult haven't they? I have no idea if I'm doing this right - I'm just going with what is rolling around in my head. I like the way that picture of wild also fits with texture.

    I'm not the biggest touch person, and interestingly enough after I put my piece about texture up I started thinking about how I'm very much a texture eater - the things that I do not like to eat I don't like to eat because of the way that they feel in my mouth. Not because of their taste necessarily but because of their texture. I don't like people to touch me and I don't really like to touch things so I miss that part of the texture equation; I'm much more about how things smell and how they sound.

    Odd the paths the words take us down.

    Thank you for sharing today!

    Jen - Pierced Wonderings

    1. There is no right or wrong here... What's important is that you write from the heart and you've definitely been doing that! No matter what path we take, it is OUR path.

  2. Sorry, these were also two challenging prompts! Good on you for just going with them and seeing what arose.
    I love how you felt a connection with your father through texture.
    And OMG how incredible is Quvenzhane Wallis?!

    1. Yes! That connection was so great to write about. Thank you for inspiring us.

  3. I love love love the wild image. Beautiful face. Wild hair. Beautiful wild laced together in such a lovely form. Sometimes when I am stuck and just let my self continue down that confused, perplexed, bewildered path I found the juiciest yummiest oh my gosh does it get any better than this sort of stuff, Glad to read you today! On my bloggedy blog blog I write more wild. I bet you'll like the image I scrambled up.

    1. Love the image you shared! Excellent... love the thought of wild women. So excellent what that even looks like to you, to others...
